Are you looking for a growth expert to be part of your next important meeting, conference or webinar? Dan Sondhelm, or members of the team, can share their insights and experience with your board, trade association or company.
Mutual fund and series trust board meetings – We facilitate discussions that are designed to provide fund board education on growth (and survival issues) for name brand and boutique asset managers. Topics can include the “build it and they will come” mentality is obsolete, the new era of difficult platforms, communications strategies to tell your story, adding an M&A strategy, right time to commit to growth, realistic efforts and expectations for startups and more.
Industry/client conferences and webinars – We speak at many industry conferences and webinars in the form of keynote, presenter, panelist and moderator. Service providers, trade associations and conference organizers rely on Sondhelm Partners for our insights on growth strategies and industry trends.
Company meetings and workshops – We can be part of your next strategic planning session designed to move your business towards growth. We can better understand what’s working and what’s not – and can provide strategies for growth. We can facilitate discussions on a wide range of important issues or focused topics that are important to you.
We also work with journalists from national and industry publications to share our industry insight and perspective with their audiences in the form of interviews and by-lined contributions.
Topics and formats can be customized to meet your needs. Fill out the form or schedule your complimentary consultation or interview or read our latest Insights and News now.