Most boutique asset managers, hedge fund managers, and wealth managers know the pitch book is a basic building block for new client acquisition. But they have little idea on how to build their book. Here are best practices for creating a great pitch book to tell your story.
Tag: Sales
Is Your Website Holding Back the Growth of Your Wealth Management Firm?
Is your wealth management website driving clients away? Learn how to enhance content, speed, and security to attract and retain high-net-worth individuals. Discover the secrets now!
Tech Tools for Sales (Part 1)
Your sales team shouldn’t spend time researching RIA and broker-dealer web sites and conducting fruitless email marketing and cold call campaigns to advisors who are unlikely to use your strategies and mutual funds. There are a wide variety of technologies that can improve the quality and efficiency of your sales and marketing efforts. In the first of this two-part series, I’ll summarize services that can help you identify growth opportunities in different channels and discover insights around fund flows and specific customers.
The Shifting Landscape of Distribution and Sales
Part 2 of a 3-part series focuses on opportunities and trends with distribution and sales teams to help boutique asset managers thrive. This article was summarized from our recent webinar, in collaboration with UMB Fund Services, “Pandemic, Strategic Plans and Growth” which shares actionable insights from industry leaders going all-in on growth in 2022.
Are “Swag Campaigns” a Marketing Gift or Curse?
Over the past few months, I’ve received several “cold swag” gifts – boxes of delicious cookies and a pound of gourmet coffee. Then these vendors barraged me with follow up emails. I wonder whether the return on investment of these cold-swag campaigns justifies their costs. And under what situations should they be used?
4 Ways to Transform Your Firm’s Sales and Marketing Culture
Investing in tactics can help, but your firm will be better off by encouraging greater flexibility and participation among those who can play a more effective role in delivering your message to the marketplace. Here are four suggestions to start this process.