In the News

What Does Your Online Presence Say About You?

January 15, 2019

Dan Sondhelm’s first contribution for focuses on your online presence. Do you and your firm come up? If not, consider these strategies so clients, prospects and other important people can find you easily.

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2019 Will Be a Pivotal Year for Asset Managers

December 13, 2018

As the page turns on 2018, a weakening market and increasing volatility are continuing to expose the soft underbelly of the asset management industry.

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Advisors Need More Than Referrals to Grow Sustainably

December 09, 2018

RIAs must grow sustainably in order to achieve the scale needed to deploy the latest technology systems and build out a centralized infrastructure. Relying wholly or primarily on referrals is a foolhardy strategy. Assets pour in until they slow. So what’s needed for consistent growth? Dan Sondhelm’s latest Advisor Perspectives contribution got some additional play in Value Walk.

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Advisors Need More Than Referrals to Grow Sustainably

December 06, 2018

RIAs must grow sustainably in order to achieve the scale needed to deploy the latest technology systems and build out a centralized infrastructure. Relying wholly or primarily on referrals is a foolhardy strategy. Assets pour in until they slow. So what’s needed for consistent growth? Dan Sondhelm pens his latest contribution for Advisor Perspectives.

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Here’s What’s Driving Asset Manager M&A Valuations

December 05, 2018

We’ve written extensively about the challenges facing smaller asset managers and boutique mutual fund firms – the growing tide of passive investing, negative fund flows and fee pressures – making it more expensive to operate from a marketing, distribution and regulatory perspective.

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Asset Managers’ Advance into Digital Coming Up Short

November 29, 2018

As more asset managers embrace digital technologies, few are connecting the dots between technologies which results in a disjointed approach to marketing, sales and client servicing. Good news is they are making progress, according to a recent industry survey.

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Why Email Blasts Are Dead and Marketing Automation is Thriving

November 21, 2018

As the financial services world continues its slow crawl into the digital age, boutique asset management firms and mutual fund companies are facing new challenges in marketing and growing their businesses. Many firms have reached a critical juncture in their marketing efforts where they must decide between what is easy and inexpensive but no longer

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PR Gets Story in Investor Hands

November 12, 2018

In an increasingly noisy marketplace being disrupted by social media and other technologies, public relations are undoubtedly a component of a sound marketing and communications plan for any asset manager. However, PR is one in an ever-growing set of tools available to asset managers to get their story in the hands of investors. Dan Sondhelm spoke on a panel with other pros at the Celera client conference.

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Social Media As The Gateway To New Clients

November 09, 2018

What’s the best and most efficient way to find new clients? While many advisors stick to the basics—seminars, free lunches, even (shudder) cold-calling—many advisors are moving to social media—and getting results. Dan Sondhelm was one of several experts to comment for this story.

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Why Your Articles Don’t Get Picked Up by the News

November 07, 2018

Most articles submitted to financial news editors never get published. But aren’t publications “desperate” for content? Not really. To increase the odds, don’t do these three things.

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