In the News

Real World Advisor Marketing: Real World Stories

September 05, 2017

In the most recent Ultimus Client Summit, mutual fund industry attendees seized opportunities to gain expert advice on topics that resonate with many within the industry. One topic in particular, Real World Marketing, hit home as expert panelists shared stories and advice regarding the environment of marketing for mutual funds. Dan Sondhelm shared his insight on the panel.

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5 Key Benefits and Considerations of Thought Leadership

August 31, 2017

If you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry, potential clients and customers will inherently trust you more – and equally beneficial, bloggers and reporters will also respond to you more warmly if you’re seen as an industry leader. Interested in becoming more of a thought leader in 2018? Dan Sondhelm and other marketing gurus share their best ideas.

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Why Institutional Asset Managers Must Become Social Media Savvy

August 16, 2017

If your firm isn’t using social media in its marketing mix, you’re missing out on a valuable, cost-effective resource institutional investors are increasingly relying on to aid in their investment education and due diligence processes.

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Clean Shares: A Fiduciary-Friendly Solution for Asset Managers

August 08, 2017

Do asset managers—big, boutique and growing—need yet another new share class? The answer is yes if you want to be fiduciary-friendly.

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Why Pros Use Rolling Periods

August 07, 2017

Investors shopping for mutual funds or ETFs look at past performance. So, as an asset manager, understand that putting your best foot forward may not include trailing data. Instead, rolling periods are used by sophisticated investors to better understand how your strategy performs over different time periods over time. Some stories resonate better this way. Dan Sondhelm commented for this story.

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The “VIP Approach” to Woo RIA Gatekeepers

August 01, 2017

A growing number of fund companies realize that Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firms are the future of the intermediary business. This is a challenge for fund distribution teams, since traditional product-focused email marketing campaigns and wholesaler “greet, meet and eat” strategies that work in broker/dealers don’t align with a business model where fiduciary responsibilities, rather than commissions, guide investment recommendations.

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Bigger Fund Flows Stem From Low-Fee Funds and ETF’s

August 01, 2017

While more investment advisors are pivoting back toward actively managed funds, it’s low-fee funds and ETFs that are seeing a majority of the flows, according to Broadridge Financial Solutions in a recent report. Industry analysts, including Dan Sondhelm, commented for the story.

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Voices : Expansion plans? Here’s what firms should read

July 17, 2017

Many successful institutional asset managers would like to expand their business through the intermediary channel, US focus, or M&A. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Dan Sondhelm, in this contribution, shares what questions to consider before making the investment.

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A Chi-Town Boutique Hunts For Small Cap Shops

June 22, 2017

Mike Corbett, CEO of Chicago-based Perritt Capital Manegement, is looking for acquisitions to grow his firm. Corbett tells MFWire that although he is open to a wide variety of deals, he is mostly looking to adopt small or micro cap mutual funds from smaller firms who are having trouble staying afloat. Sondhelm Partners is helping Perritt with introductions to possible strategic partners.

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WealthTech Insights with Dan Sondhelm

June 22, 2017

In this interview, Dan Sondhelm comments on recent changes in wealth management, discusses threats, opportunities, and prospects that technologies bring to the industry, and shares his ideas about attracting millennials and calculating risk tolerance.

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