Why Your Articles Don’t Get Picked Up by the News
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Most articles submitted to financial news editors never get published. But aren’t publications “desperate” for content? Not really. To increase the odds, don’t do these three things.
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Most articles submitted to financial news editors never get published. But aren’t publications “desperate” for content? Not really. To increase the odds, don’t do these three things.
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In a digitally wired world, having a website that is attractive, dynamic and compelling is essential. Fortunately, it doesn’t require massive resources to create a high-quality website that will attract advisers and investors and move them through the sales funnel. Dan Sondhelm sits down with Ultimus to discuss the most cost-effective ways firms can increase the value of their websites.
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I just received this “cold” email and wanted to share it (along with some pointers) with you. This is a great example of what not to write in an email. The sender claims to be a “digital marketing expert.” Would you buy from him?
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It is not uncommon for asset managers to view these three functions as separate and distinct units with entirely different missions and goals.
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A well-conceived public relations strategy can fuel asset growth and retention by increasing a firm’s visibility, credibility, and brand with investors. However, many firms perform their own version of public relations, which sometimes doesn’t deliver the expected impact. What mistakes do PR pros make the most? Dan Sondhelm shared his insight with MFWire.com.
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There is little doubt that the mega-trends of the last several years have thrust the investment management industry into a period of transformative change. While still buttressed by a strong tailwind of asset-price inflation, investment management firms are facing increasing risks as the relentless downward fee pressure and passive flow migration threatens revenues and profits and, for some firms, their very existence.
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Economists often say “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” But Fidelity now offers free funds. Dan Sondhelm, one of several industry observers, commented on the move.
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Sondhelm Partners is pleased to announce that Dan Sondhelm will participate in a panel discussion at the Celera Systems SalesStation Client Conference in Milwaukee, WI on September 27, 2018. The panel will discuss how PR and communications can be used to grow and retain assets and will offer strategies for success. Sondhelm Partners is also a proud sponsor of the event.
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The play to out-Vanguard Vanguard gets stony response from competitors but analysts, including Dan Sondhelm, say Fidelity may actually be a quick study in the freemium game.
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A rising trend: financial advisors angling for clients based on their demographic and personal traits such as clients’ age and generation, gender, sexual preference, marital status, religion and/or activities. Dan Sondhelm commented for the article.