When a boutique firm’s primary business is the institutional or high net-worth marketplace, some executives would rather pay for investment research over mutual fund industry research. That may be a mistake. There is a cost to not keeping up with industry trends and understanding your competition to make decisions around growth. Good thing there are plenty of good free and low-cost resources available that will help firms better understand the industry and their opportunity in it, according to this contribution by Dan Sondhelm.
If you were too busy eating turkey or wrapping (and unwrapping) presents to focus on your distribution strategy during November and December, don’t worry. You still have time to kick start the year with a sound strategic plan to create or improve your growth strategy in 2017. Here’s what you need to focus on to get that done.
If you were too busy eating turkey or wrapping (and unwrapping) presents to focus on your distribution strategy during November and December, don’t worry. You still have time to kick start the year with a sound strategic plan to create or improve your growth strategy in 2017. Dan Sondhelm shares his insight on what you need to focus on to get that done.
The entrance of another low-cost digital advice offering from Schwab demonstrates a peril for any provider trying to eke out a position in the digital wealth management market: offering advice cheaply isn’t going to be enough to stay competitive. Dan Sondhelm and other industry pros weigh in on the future of robo advisors.
Asset managers prepare for 2017 with an overhaul to the current regulatory landscape, the further proliferation of fintech as well as advancements in alternative product development. Managers are also keeping a close watch on policies from incoming President-elect Donald Trump. Dan Sondhelm, and other industry pros, share their predictions for 2017. Sondhelm says the mutual fund industry is likely to see more M&A moves, such as adoptions, in the year ahead.
Some asset managers get into the mutual fund business to provide a pooled investment vehicle for smaller accounts or because a few existing clients asked for it. But many mutual fund firms want to grow beyond their existing client base. Dan Sondhelm offers his insight on where you should start.
What’s working in mutual fund distribution, marketing, and public relations? Where are funds competent? Where are the strategic challenges? The MFEA (Mutual Fund Education Alliance) and Sondhelm Partners recently surveyed MFEA members on their thoughts in a 2016 MFEA Marketing Council Survey “Identifying Gaps in Distribution.” Dan Sondhelm presented and led a discussion at the MFEA Marketing Council meeting in Chicago. You may be surprised by the findings.
Mutual fund industry marketers are converging on Chitown today for the Mutual Fund Education Alliance’s Marketing Council event. Sondhelm Partners is thrilled to be the sponsor.
With high-profile women in the spotlight this election season, there’s a change in attitudes and politics that female-focused investing and entrepreneurs can build upon. Sally Krawcheck launched a female-centric robo adviser that has been built and run by women. Will that niche be enough to compete with the bigger firms? Dan Sondhelm among others comment on the story.
Thought leadership is a method of creating a stand-out brand that clients and prospects are drawn to, and one in which other advisors want to take part. The continued growth of the financial advisor community coupled with ease of access to information through digital channels makes becoming a thought leader a critical aspect of your success. Dan Sondhelm shares how to become more influential with your target audience in this recent contribution.