Emerging asset management firms should use significant market events to stay in front of current and potential clients through a well-planned and executed communications strategy. Dan Sondhelm and Kasina’s Mike Cogburn share their insight.
While I was setting up office space for my new marketing firm, Sondhelm Partners, I had the opportunity to go through boxes of material from the many investment companies with whom I have worked over the past 20 years as a marketing strategist. This trip down memory lane made me stop and consider how technology, the popularity of defined contribution plans, increased competition from ETFs, and index funds and the decentralization of the intermediary market have transformed the way fund companies market and sell their products to investors and advisors.
Technology, the popularity of defined contribution plans, increased competition from passive strategies and the decentralization of the intermediary market have transformed the way fund companies market and sell their products to investors and advisors. It’s not a stretch to say that the industry has and will continue to undergo seismic changes.
A longtime mutual fund industry-focused public relations and marketing specialist is setting out on his own. MFWire has learned that Dan Sondhelm recently founded Alexandria, Virginia-based Sondhelm Partners. Sondhelm previously spent 21 years at nearby SunStar Strategic, a PR and marketing agency focused on supporting asset managers (and other financial services firms.)
Uncertainty from volatility often leads investors to make irrational decisions that they tend to regret once conditions move to a normal state. How can you better communicate with your clients to calm their fears and help them stay invested?
Now that robo advisors are growing up and the buzz has slowed, where do they fit into the wealth management landscape? How are these firms still trying to position and differentiate themselves versus each other? Dan Sondhelm, among other industry experts, weigh in.
Following a month of stocks bouncing around the market’s most recent bottom, SunStar Strategic clients participated in a Peer Roundtable to share their collective wisdom on how to best address investor concerns.
With the presidential election still a year away, we’re already waist deep in press coverage. Election 2016 promises “shock and awe” as the players rally for position. For many, the biggest surprise to date is real estate mogul and business dynamo Donald Trump’s meteoric rise to become the Republican Party’s frontrunner. Putting political preferences and personal opinions of The Donald aside, financial professionals can find much to learn by examining his communication techniques – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump has surprised everyone with his meteoric rise to become the Republican party’s front runner for 2016. This isn’t an endorsement of his politics but financial professionals can find much to learn by examining his communications techniques. Dan Sondhelm offers his thinking in this slideshow.