Asset Managers Agree, Brand and Reputation are Critical Factors in Growth

Part 3 of a 3-part series focuses on reputation and branding to help boutique asset managers increase their visibility and authority so their story gets heard.. This article was summarized from our recent webinar, in collaboration with UMB Fund Services, “Pandemic, Strategic Plans and Growth” which shares actionable insights from industry leaders going all-in on growth in 2022. Read more »

The Shifting Landscape of Distribution and Sales

Part 2 of a 3-part series focuses on opportunities and trends with distribution and sales teams to help boutique asset managers thrive. This article was summarized from our recent webinar, in collaboration with UMB Fund Services, “Pandemic, Strategic Plans and Growth” which shares actionable insights from industry leaders going all-in on growth in 2022. Read more »

12 Ways for Asset Managers to Get More Out of LinkedIn

When used strategically, LinkedIn can help asset managers build relationships, strengthen your brand and reputation, and increase your visibility and credibility. It can also help you attract leads. But if you are just scrolling down your news feed, you are missing out. Here are 12 action items your firm can take right now, or aspire to over time, to take advantage of this most impactful social platform. Read more »

Upscaling Your SMA Distribution Efforts with Automation

Even in this digital age, PowerPoint-based pitchbooks remain the most commonly used marketing tool for presenting SMA solutions. And most firms are still using time-consuming, error-prone processes to produce them. Synthesis Technology’s Chris Ruppenstein explains how to stop the madness, and increase AUM, with automation. Read more »

Are “Swag Campaigns” a Marketing Gift or Curse?

Over the past few months, I’ve received several “cold swag” gifts - boxes of delicious cookies and a pound of gourmet coffee. Then these vendors barraged me with follow up emails. I wonder whether the return on investment of these cold-swag campaigns justifies their costs. And under what situations should they be used? Read more »

When it Comes to Sales Contacts, Quality Beats Quantity Every Time

It’s critical to get out of “fishing expedition” mode, where you cast a thousand cold contacts hoping one will bite. Instead, hone in on those advisors who are most likely to be interested in your products. And then deliver a message with an irresistible hook that will land you that all-important first meeting. Read more »

Finding a Strategic Partner for Access to Distribution

Part 1 of a 3-part series focuses on finding a merger, fund adoption or subadvisory partner to help boutique asset managers thrive. This article was summarized from our recent webinar, in collaboration with UMB Fund Services, “Pandemic, Strategic Plans and Growth” which shares actionable insights from industry leaders going all-in on growth in 2022. Read more »

What Asset Managers Can Learn from Winning Hires

Who would you hire – a person who said they “made cold calls” or “generated $10m in production through cold calls.” The answer is obvious. Use these strategies to upgrade your firm’s story around results, not just process. Read more »