With the COVID-19 crisis curtailing on-site sales meetings and networking at conferences, asset managers have been scrambling to produce more digital content for consumption at home by their clients and prospects. But is upping the frequency enough to be heard? Read more »
Some asset managers believe that performance is the story. But it’s not. It’s the attention-grabbing headline that your core investment narrative must always be proving, whether it’s on the pages of a commentary or your web site, spoken by a portfolio manager in a webinar or video, or summarized in a sales presentation. Read more »
No one could anticipate the havoc the rapid spread of COVID-19 would wreak upon the global economy, including most asset managers. We wanted to get the pulse on how boutique asset managers are engaging clients and prospects and handling the pandemic. Our report is now available for download. Read more »
Considering the unprecedented level of upheaval caused by an unexpected pandemic, even the best-laid plans are bound to fall off the rails, resulting in a current picture that looks nothing like what was envisioned six months ago. Read more »
In this environment, sales managers and wholesalers need to take on the role of thought leadership ambassadors and communicate in multiple ways. This empowers advisors to choose how they want to interact with asset management firms. This article was written by our client Fugent and was picked up in MFWire.com. Read more »
Our recent Sondhelm Partners webinar explained how the CEO at one boutique firm is literally leveraging the current work-at-home environment to make her videos stand out in a crowded field. Read more »
With on-site visits and conferences off limits for the foreseeable future, nearly all asset managers are focused on building virtual communities of clients and prospects to communicate their news and views. Many advisors and consultants are already suffering from ‘digital overload.’ In our recent webinar, we outlined five strategies firms can use to make sure their voices don‘t get lost in the digital mix. Read more »
With passively managed funds dominating inflows over the past decade, market prognosticators said it would take a bear market to convince investors to reconsider actively managed funds again. Well, advisors and institutions may be more willing to listen to your success story. Our recent webinar explained how boutique firms can position their active management success stories front and center among their clients and prospects, even in a work-at-home world. Read more »
How are boutique and emerging asset management firms dealing with the pandemic and keeping clients and prospects engaged? Watch our webinar replay now. Read more »
For asset and wealth managers, achieving thought leadership is essential. Thought leaders are viewed as people of influence, with recognized expertise, credibility and strong reputations. Thought leaders are financial professionals whose words matter. Of course, it’s difficult to become a thought leader. It requires a plan and a commitment to do the four things that most people won’t do. Read more »